Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sugar And The American Diet - 895 Words

Sugar In American Diet The American diet is based mostly in processed food which contains enormous amount of sugar. The excessive consumption of sugar can cause diseases such as obesity, heart diseases, alzheimer, liver diseases, diabetes and others. One of the problems with the consumption of sugar is that people get sick progressively without the knowledge that it is caused by sugar. In addition, sugar is an addictive food and life without it is almost impossible. As a result, processed foods are cheaper than healthy food. It is hard to avoid processed food when Americans do not have time to cook because of their life style. Americans need to know the way to change their diet and improve their lifestyles. Americans sometimes forget about the amount of sugar that a soda or flavored drink contains. These drinks are tasty, but it will not satisfy thirst. Sugar is equally dangerous and has the same health effects than smoke cigarettes. Consume sugar in excessive amounts per day have a significant effect in Americans daily life. Americans should be aware of the diseases caused by their eating habits, therefore; they should be more conscious of what they eat and change their diet. One of the common disease in America caused by the excessive consumption of sugar is obesity. In America, the obesity rates had increased in the last decades and affects different on each person. The effects of sugar on people depends on the race, gender, and age of Americans. According to anShow MoreRelatedChildren Of The New Generation1296 Words   |  6 PagesEvery day millions of Americans are in line at a fast food restaurant instead of making a home cooked meal. What is this teaching the children of the new generation? Fast food is the easy route and not just that but it taste so good. Is this going to make the world a healthier place even if there are healthy options on the menu? 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Throughout the country, the obesity epidemic has struck every population demographic. According to recent projections made by the United States Government, 63.9 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese. That is over half of the population! What exactly is the culprit behind this crisis? How can someone fix this issue? The answers lie in the average American Diet. The diet consumed by Americans is one ofRead MoreHealthy Behavior Is Associated With Healthy Eating996 Words   |  4 PagesHealthy behavior is associated with healthy eating. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to promote a healthy eating pattern and help reduce the risks of diseases though the nutrients intake. â€Å"The goal of the Dietary Guidelines is for individuals throughout all stages of the lifespan to have eating patterns that promote overall health and help prevent chronic disease.† According to Dietary Guideline for Americans th eir ultimate goal is to stimulate a healthy eating pattern by which they mean thatRead MoreAmericas Push For Success1662 Words   |  7 PagesIn our culture there s a push for health and wellness and countless Americans are moving at such a rapid pace it is difficult to obtain a healthy lifestyle. With society’s push for success, it can shift our attention towards other priorities and neglect things like our diets. Our basic source of fuels comes from oxygen, water, and food. A great deal of convenient foods that are available tend to be loaded with added sugars. With our ever going lives, we gravitate towards effortlessness. PrepackagedRead MoreThe Effects Of Sugar On Our Health983 Words   |  4 PagesAddicted: sugar is slowly killing us Sugar is an extremely addicting substance and studies demonstrate that excessive amounts of sugar are detrimental to our health. The more sugar we consume, the more research is conducted to show the harmful effects that this substance has on our health. Over the past 20 years, the increase in fructose and sucrose has directly contributed to the global decline in health. Evidence supports the conclusion that sugar can have the same effectsRead MoreThe Battle Over American Dietary Guidelines1034 Words   |  5 PagesThe battle over American dietary guidelines has been raging for decades. One of the most controversial issues in nutrition? Fat and sugar. For the past thirty years, we’ve been instructed that a low-fat, high-carb diet is the best way to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. In 1955, US President Dwight Eisenhower suffered a heart attack, and worked with his chief physician to encourage Americans to cut down on fat and cholesterol, stating that this would be the best way to avoid future heartRead MoreSugar Coated Lies Essay1689 Words   |  7 Pagesmassive appeal for artificial sugars and sweeteners in America started out in the 1970s and 1980s and has affected American eating habits ever since by its dominance as the most used form of sugar. (Frincu-Mallos). Parallel to its introduction to the food industry, American society at that time was struggling with an onslaught of health problems and diseases. Some have wondered if there is a relationship between the introduction of artificial sweeteners and the rise in American health problems. Stemming

Monday, December 23, 2019

Database Marketing A Marketing Strategy - 2098 Words

Database marketing is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of consumer data (both for customers and potential customers) that is maintained in a company s databases.( Rouse, Margaret) The reason will be subject to a number of database marketing enterprises of all firms, with obvious advantages of database marketing are inextricably linked. It can help companies pinpoint the target consumer group, can reduce marketing costs, improve marketing efficiency; allows consumers to become long-term, loyal customers; can provide accurate information for marketing and new product development; you can use the database and consumer who established close relations, corporate consumers can no longer turn to other†¦show more content†¦Due to the use of client database to accurately identify the target consumers of a product, companies can avoid the use of expensive mass media, you can use more economical promotions, thereby reducing costs, enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Relevant statistics, there is no use of database technology to screen and send junk mail, the response rate is only 2-4%, while the use of database technology to screen clients, it s junk m ail response rate can be as high as 20-30%. Second, enhance customer trust, so that customers become loyal long-term users of this product to maintain communication and contact with database marketing and consumers often can maintain and enhance the emotional bond between businesses and consumers. Also, corporate information database according to the client is able to analyze what kind of people, what measures can be taken to retain customers. In addition, the use of storage consumption records to infer its future customer behavior with considerable accuracy, so that enterprises can better meet the needs of consumers, so that consumers become long-term, loyal customers. For example, an airline, the data memory 80 million people each year who want to take an average of the company s flight up to 13 times, 65% of its total turnover. Therefore, every time the company held a

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Hero vs. Tragic Hero Free Essays

The Difference between a Hero and a Tragic Hero The tragic hero is one of the most interesting characters within a Greek or Roman play. They depict many emotions and often their lives end in a horrible disaster. When we think of a hero, what automatically comes to mind? To some it may be someone legendary. We will write a custom essay sample on Hero vs. Tragic Hero or any similar topic only for you Order Now Others might think of a hero as someone of great strength or ability. Perhaps someone admired for their achievements and great qualities. To me, it once meant someone that showed great courage and responsibility . A real hero is someone who faces everyday challenges bravely and lives with a smile despite problems and shortcomings and sometimes even having supernatural powers of some sort. Before these two â€Å"heroes† can be compared and contrasted, it is imperative to know what a tragic hero must possess in order to be called a â€Å"tragic hero. A tragic hero must contain the following features; a tragic hero always had characteristics like greatness and a noble stature, they must have a fatal flaw, that in most cases lead them to be partly responsible for their own demise, usually their punishment outweighs their crime, and then, of course, sometime during where the tragedy takes place there should be some sort of self-realization for that character. This is where they realize their mistake. One prominent characteristic of a tragic hero is portrayed specifically in the play ‘Macbeth’ by Shakespeare, the tragic hero Macbeth was a victim of his doubt and insecurity. Thus, the hero’s downfall is due to his own errors and actions. A tragic hero has to suffer because of his own mistakes. He is doomed from the start; he bears no responsibility for possessing his flaw, but bears responsibility for his actions. He is usually a king, a leader of men and his fate affects not only his but the lives of a whole nation or number of people. Tragic heroes are without a doubt one of the most intriguing of characters. A Traditional hero is a person of â€Å"distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. A hero is â€Å"any person who has heroic qualities or has performed heroic acts and is regarded as a model or ideal to follow†¦ † He represents a positive image of a human being, physically, mentally, and emotionally. He is loved by all and cherished for his noble deeds. He always takes up distinctive tasks which no one else ever dares to and may come across much adversity that which he fights with his endurance and valor and eventually reaches victory with a confident heart. He has qualities like courage, honesty and willingness to sacrifice. But most of all, he stands for everything we love to see ourselves as. That is why they are so popularly favored by many. How to cite Hero vs. Tragic Hero, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Marketing Planning for Strategic Management Insight

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Planning for Strategic Management Insight. Answer: Introduction Marketing is an important activity in the recent century. Marketing contains a set of activities through which the product or services can be easily communicated with the customers. Technology has placed marketing at a new horizon. IRESS is Australian based technology company that develops various software systems and services for the sector of financial markets and wealth management. The enterprise is headquartered in Melbourne in Australia. IRESS has a strong financial position which helps the organization to launch new products (Iress.com 2016). In recent few years, people have become health conscious, and this change in attitude has helped IRESS to launch its new product. In order to launch the chosen product successfully in the market, this report has made a thorough analysis of PESTEL , SWOT and Marketing mix of the product. Situation Analysis IRESS is a leader in the field of IT sector (Iress.com 2016). The organization has a vast market in Australia as well as across the globe. The organization has been able to achieve such heights by virtue of its Research and development department with experienced employees. The organization mainly competes in the field of software and hardware industry. The main competitors of the organization are eServGlobal and technology one. Environmental scanning helps the organization to find out different external factors. Figure 1: PESTEL analysis of IRESS (Source: Created by the author) Political factor: According to Gupta and Mishra (2016), political condition of Australia is stable, and the government always supports innovations. New trade laws introduced by the Australian government exempts taxes from new inventions. However, the value added taxes introduced by the government reduces the profit margin of IRESS. Economic factor: Australia is the third largest mixed economy in the Universe (Dufty-Jones and Connell 2016). Australia is a developed country and has a GDP growth of 1.62 trillion Australian dollars (Dufty-Jones and Connell 2016). The developed also increases the purchasing power of the individuals in Australia.Rising economy of the world supports the activity of the organization. This influences IRESS to go beyond borders. Social factor: IRESS also assists building the social life of people. According to Hasan (2013), health conscious lifestyle of the individuals in Australia is also supporting the function of the organization. The popularity of health-oriented device excites the employees of the organization. Residents around the organization have also started different business and maintained their livelihood. Technological factor: Technology is an important tool in the recent century. IRESS has a well developed RD department along with experienced researchers to invent innovative products. The technology used by the IRESS organization is mainly based on Java and Linux operating system (Jurevicius 2013). Environmental factor: The activities of the company are also having an effect on the surroundings and environment. The raw materials used by the company affect the environment. IRESS is trying to find out raw materials which are less harmful for the environment (Resnick et al. 2016). Moreover, the people of Australia are environmentally friendly and want to use products which can be easily recycled. IRESS is also laying stress on removing harmful substances before they are disposed off to the environment. Legal factor: Legal legislation is an important criterion to make the workplace safe and protected. According to Rosohata (2012), the Australian government has also amended rules to prevent employee harassment. Special care is also taken by the government to protect women employees from sexual harassment. Along with these gender biases and age, discrimination is also prevented to keep a safe working condition. IRESS follows all the rules and regulation. SWOT Analysis Strength IRESS has a well developed Research and development department. More than 1000 experienced employees.Strong financial position to innovate new products Strong sales network team to increase sales volume Weakness Business of the organization is limited to the sector of information technology Absence of far-sighted vision Unable to diversify the product Cost structure is unclear Infringement Policy Opportunity Health conscious attitude of people supports the development of product Advanced technology is supporting the activity of the organization. Expansion of business in countries like China and India will increase sales volume Strong financial condition through merger and acquisition Threat Competitive, market Presence of giant leaders like eServGlobal, CSG and Technology one Increasing labor cost increases the cost of the product. Different rules introduced by the government Rapid increase of Chinese competitors Table 1: SWOT Analysis of IRESS (Source: Yksel 2012) Marketing objective The following are the various marketing objectives that need to be followed by the organization in order to achieve its successive launch. To be the top organization in the field of health care and technology within 2025. To produce the latest device to control the health of people. To increase the sale of the latest advance health product within 2020. To expand their market in all across the globe To protect the life of people in an effective way. Marketing strategies Website Marketing: The organization uses website marketing strategies to reach the customers quickly. People in the recent century are tech friendly and use the internet to get different information. IRESS gives details of the product in their website. Individuals can also buy the product both through online marketing as well as through stores (Silva, Cavalcanti and Gomes 2015). Social media like Facebook is also used by the organization to promote its products. Market-penetration pricing strategy: The organization follows market penetration pricing strategy. The price of the product is kept lower than that of market price. This will help the organization to increase their sales volume. Direct marketing: Direct contact is made with the consumers with the help of Tele-calling, mail order and TV shopping (Sun et al. 2014). Even the marketers communicate with individuals in malls, pharmacy and railway stations. Therefore, a direct contact is made with the customers. Marketing mix The marketing mix is used by IRESS to communicate with customers. The 4Ps of the Marketing mix are product, price, place and promotion. Figure 2: Marketing mix of IRESS (Source: Created by the author) Product: The product introduced by IRESS will regulates the health of the individual and is supported through technology. The name of the product is IRESS health 2016. The product looks like a wrist watch and has an embedded computer (Iress.com 2016). The product keeps a constant watch on the health of an individual through their pulse rate. The product has a whistle system which reminds the daily activity of the individual. It also checks the heartbeat of people and gives suggestions to human beings. Price: Price is an important tool which determines the success or failure of any product. Market penetration strategy is followed by the organization. The price of the product varies from 50AUD to 200 AUD depending on size and function (Waterschoot and Bulte 2012). So everybody can have easy access to buy the product. The high rate of discount also attracts customers attention. Place: The main motto of the organization is to spread the product in all parts of Australia. Distribution channels like retailers and intermediaries are used by the organization to distribute the product. Technology has been used by the customers to get in direct contact with clients (Sun et al. 2014). The service centers of IRESS are also used as outlets to sell the product. Promotion: Promotion is necessary for any organization. IRESS promotes its products with effective advertisement, public relation activities, and direct selling. Hospitals, cricket matches are used by the organization to promote its product (White et al. 2015). Even renowned faces like cricketers and politicians are also used to promote products. Budget The budget of IRESS is created completely on the basis of the assumption of the author. The organization has a strong financial base, and the budget is for the financial year 2016-17. Primary Category Secondary Category Quantity Estimated Cost Research Web Research 1 AUD 4000 Research Independent Research 1 AUD 10000 Research Other research 4 AUD 5000 Research Promotional 5 AUD 90000 Communications Radio 1 AUD 10000 Communications Web 2 AUD 25000 Communications Internet 3 AUD 12000 Networking Membership 54 AUD 15000 Networking Affiliation 21 AUD 12500 Networking Subscription 10 AUD 6000 Event Meal 2 AUD 7000 Event Tax 1 AUD 8500 Event Other services 1 AUD 9000 Total AUD=216000 Table 2: Budget of IRESS (Source: Created by the author) Implementation and control To acquire competitive market IRESS need to implement plan accordingly. Proper implementation of the marketing mix. A Proper understanding of SWOT and PESTEL to overcome problems. IRESS also needs to follow a 12-month action plan as presented below : Actions Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Set up phase Premise Staffing Equipment Development phase Curriculum Material for business Test phase Support team Alternative processes Marketing phase Campaign Advertisement Positioning Pricing Table 3: Action plan for IRESS (Source: Created by the author) Recommendation To use technology at its best To have a competitive pricing strategy RD department should be further developed Conclusion In conclusion, this report presents a thorough understanding of the situational plan to be followed by the manager for the launch of a new product in Health care segment. The plan presents the macro as well as the micro aspects of environmental scanning and the SWOT analysis. The plan also presents the various marketing strategies that need to be incorporated in order to make the launch a success. Additionally, it also outlines the marketing objectives that need to be followed. Furthermore a budgetary analysis regarding the expected cost and expenses of the launch has also been depicted. It is understood that the organization has a strong financial and RD department to further upgrade the product. Pricing strategy of the organization has also helped the organization to remain a step ahead of its competitors.Lastly, the report also suggests certain recommendations which may be beneficial for the successful launch of the product. References Dufty-Jones, R. and Connell, J. 2016,Rural Change in Australia: Population, Economy, Environment,New edn, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, GB. Gupta, G., and Mishra, R. P. 2016. A SWOT analysis of reliability centered maintenance framework.Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering,22(2), 130-145. doi:10.1108/JQME-01-2015-0002 Hasan, M. 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